Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When a Ninja is not being a Ninja, he's playing Video Games

The responsibility of a Ninja often leads to him living a very selfless life. A life where the world around receives far more attention than his own personal needs. However, to maintain extreme sanity one must always take even the smallest amount of time to forget their life even for a brief instant and enjoy the nothingness. For me, one of my favorite methods of escape is found in the realm of Video Games. My responsibilities in the real word take away from my gaming, but when I can get my gaming on I do it without the slightest whim of hesitation.

At this very moment I'm currently entrenched in the dark insanity of Dead Space 2. However, this isn't about that. I'm going to get into complete dork mode and list 2 of my favorites that helped keep me sane throughout the years. These are in no particular order...just a mere list of 2 of my favorites. Why 2? Why not, it's a blog, a blog of pointless nonsense with no real value. And I'm bored.

Resident Evil 4
I have been a huge fan of the Resident Evil series since the very first game, which up until the 4th game came out held the crown as the best of the series. The first Resident Evil was dark, eerie, and truly embodied the feeling of being trapped in a Survival horror. Weapons and ammunition were limited, health was scarce and you were constantly left with the feeling that you were utterly alone and about to die any second. 
The other Resident Evil games were good but began to transform more into an action/thriller more so than anything else. If they could combine the heavy action moments of the later games with the intense, survival horror atmosphere of the original then they might just have a perfect game on their hands. Along came Resident Evil 4. Back was the supremely dark feeling of the original now mixed in with intense high paced action and a highly intriguing story to match. Gone were the sluggish zombies of old in which you could literally just walk around them to avoid their attacks. Instead they were replaced by infected humans that could think and move as any normal living individual can. They would run at you, dodge attacks, attack you in hordes and even use weapons. A constant level of suspense in which you never knew what was lurking around the corner just as in the 1st game but now, if you were unfortunate enough to be ambushed by a creeping villain, you'd better have your weapons ready as this time around they will chase you. The game moves at a very fast pace that keeps you involved from beginning to end, but not so fast that you miss out on the twisted world of evil around you. The game is beautifully detailed, exciting, scary and down right fun. This is a must have for any fan of survival horror games or just good video games in general. Sadly, Resident Evil 5 tried to capture on the look and feel of this game, but chose to make it nothing more than an action/shooter game. It was a great game but nothing compared to the 4th. Hopefully, if and when they make a new one they can get it right like they did in Resident Evil 4. 

Uncharted 2
Where do I begin with this game? I can easily get lost in a 500,000 page essay as to why this game is not but pure awesomeness. This is absolutely my favorite game of all time. But I'll leave it at that. 
Picture Indiana Jones meets National Treasure. The stories of both those films were never the most clever of stories and most intriguing, but they both proved excitement, thrills, and a highly enjoyable cast of characters that provided both the right touch of seriousness and humor to make it all worth it. Uncharted 2 follows suit perfectly. This game puts you directly in the shoes of a young, wittier Indiana Jones type of character named Nathan Drake. He's charming, funny, clever and down right kicks ass. But they made him very human and vulnerable. Nathan is an average man physically without any Bruce Lee style martial arts training, he's not a master of weapons, but what he's good at is using his head and the attributes he does have to get out of tight spots. This makes not only a very likable character but a character that is very easy to relate to as well. The villains are excellently cast, the female characters are surprisingly human and not just a busty rendition of a man's fantasy, the landscapes are captivating, the action is tight and suspenseful, this game rocks. The graphics are absolutely beautiful. Not many games carry this type of perfection in the worlds created around you. Play this and play it now.
But before I close this out let me leave this with saying that one of the most important aspects of the game is the voice acting. I have never played again where the voice acting is not only dead on accurate but well extremely well acted. The voice acting is so perfect that it truly makes you forget at moments that you are actually playing a video game. Now, go get this if you haven't played it. Get it now or I will find you and throw some ninja stars at your gaming console for ignoring this mastery.

So there you go, 2 of my favorites. In time I will list more and share my useless thoughts and opinions, but until then, feast on the words that corrupt this blog.

Oh and here is a bonus picture of my Girl of the Week...the lovely Mila Kunis.

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