Friday, April 8, 2011

In the Beginning....

For many years I've traveled within this deranged realm called Earth. Walking silently in the shadows, severing the heads of those that dared cross my path in an instant. Honing my skills, mastering my craft in the art of Dirt Slinging, I forged my mind in the fiery depths of this forsaken planet transforming myself into a weapon. A weapon of justice, free speech and a land where all opinions are welcome. I keep my sword holstered for no man.

Welcome to my world, a world where my opinions are the only thing that matters. What I say is and shall be. Feel free to say as you please, like or dislike, just be honest. I can't guarantee you won't become my latest victim, but once can hope.

With all that being said I will now share my thoughts and feelings for this week, and since I'm starting late in the week this will carry over into next week as well. Read or don't read, care or don't it is!

Movie of the Week

I must say this movie came as a pleasant surprise. I went into this movie with very low expectations. I have seen Bradley Cooper in various films before but this just seemed like a film far beyond his normal element. To put it bluntly, I just couldn't picture him doing anything outside of a comedy, but in rare form, I was wrong.

Bradly Cooper displayed his usual charm and wit mixed in with an excellent serious side making his character very believable and easy to relate to. I mean who the hell wouldn't want to take a little pill that would transform them into a genius and be able to utilize knowledge instantly like in the Matrix films? I'd be first inline for a pill like that. Remember Tyrone Biggums from The Chappelle Show as the ultimate crack head. That would be me, but with the Limitless pill. Anyways, his portrayal of an Author living life at rock bottom who is suddenly presented with an opportunity to transform his life was very believable.

The movie itself was filmed at an excellent pace where nothing ever really slowed down to a crawl and nothing was done too far fetched. I honestly was expecting some true Matrix-Style scenes and for the film to get carried away but it never did. Even the one scene in which he is attacked by a few guys and begins to use Martial arts from films that were embedded in his memory wasn't too flashy, wasn't overly done with crazy wire-work and slow motion effects. It was executed in a somewhat believable manner that made the scene highly enjoyable. As enjoyable as the fights scenes from the original Matrix film as supposed to the sequel where everything was taken just a little too far.

If this film wasn't on your list of movies to see I would suggest giving it a shot. It's worth the 10 bucks to see it in a Theater with HD visuals and sound. Check it!!! Or I will eat your soul.

Girl of the Week

Dana DeArmond - Okay, so I wouldn't say she's the most beautiful girl around but she is hot in her own special way. Yes, she is an adult film star, but whatever. Her attitude, cute facial features and smoking hot body have put her on my radar for this week. Don't like it or agree? Whatever man, she floats my boat this instant.

My goal one day is to conduct and interview with her and all the girls I will post up in the weeks to come. I will pull no punches and ask the things most people wouldn't ask. So Dana if you're out there, and I know you love surfing the web as the Internet's girlfriend or whatever your nickname is. Hit me up some time so we can get this cracking. And stay sexy!!!

Video Game of the Week

I was a big fan of Dead Space and the eerie, I'm alone and going to die alone atmosphere it created and hoped that the second would follow suit. Most sequels suck and stray too far from the original in hopes of exploiting their new found fame. Dead Space 2 doesn't disappoint in the least. 

It's still extremely dark, it's creepy, it still stays away from a musical score and relies only on the sounds of the world around you and it still kicks ass. Turn the lights out, turn the volume up and rock on with this one. It's one of the few games out that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time, almost in a constant state of suspense as you await something to happen. Traveling through dark, empty corridors unable to see around the corner you are constantly expecting something to jump out and kill you. But when you really expect it to happen it never does. It never comes so what you do is end up relaxing a bit, getting into a state of ease and just as you are getting comfortable, something jumps out of no where and kills you, putting you right back in that white knuckled state. 

It's not a difficult game, the enemies rarely vary their attacks and are pretty easy to kill and the variety of enemies is pretty limited, but who cares. I'm a big horror movie fan and this definitely gives me the feeling of being in one of those sci-fi like horror movies like Aliens and Event Horizon. I'm all for it and give it the Dirty Ninja Sword Slice of Approval. Definitely one of my top thriller/horror games along with the original Dead Space, Resident Evil 1 and my all-time favorite Resident Evil 4.

 Music/Song of the Week
Absolutely NOTHING! The music industry at this very moment sucks beyond belief. True Hip Hop, rock music, classical, opera, it doesn't matter, it's all garbage these days. The artists are terrible, the music is horrendous, it's just mind boggling how there is nothing around. If you feel I'm out of line, then by all means point in the direction of the all-mysterious musical talent that I can't seem to find these days. But if it sucks, be warned. I will not only belittle you and make you feel like a schoolboy that just got his head flushed in the toilet and lunch money taken, but I will kill you. 
So yeah, that is what I'm feeling and not feeling at this very moment. Check back for more absurdities and pointlessness in the future. It will only get better from here on out.

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